
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Back from Sabbatical

I am back…and feeling inspired again. I always do this. I journal for a while and then get bored with myself and decide to distract myself with other endeavors. The sabbatical has done me some good…and I am feeling renewed and ready to take on the world.

Interactive Map of Africa - Copyright

Things have been going pretty stinking smoothly in my life, so, of course I am super suspicious that something is about to rock my world. Sounds a bit pessimistic you say…I say, that is how God works with me. J Who knows, maybe my life will be puppies and rainbows from here on out…I am smirking to myself as I type that last sentence. Silly Emily…

Recently I found out that I might have the opportunity to travel to Africa to do some church work. I could not be more excited. Service work is something that has been on my heart for a long time and I am so thankful and grateful that this opportunity presented itself. Now, I must get busy on preparing myself in a way God wants me to…to bring those people joy, blessings, and service!

Happy Hump Day everyone…I hope the awesomeness is abounding in your life!