
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mothers and Daughters...

My mom and I had one of those conversations yesterday that mothers only have with their daughters…and it was exactly what I needed. I left my parent’s house with my eyes puffy from tears, but feeling renewed and reassured. I have been going through a lot of things lately…and what do you know…my mom has been too. It is amazing how when you start to share your hopes, fears, and burdens with others…they reveal things about their lives that you never knew.

Vulnerability is so hard…at least for me. I like to feel strong, independent, and capable of anything and everything…but, you know sometimes I don’t feel that way. I am finally letting myself realize that that is ok.

Onward I climb up the mountain…striving for Christ alone to be the author and finisher of my faith.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Moody Mushroom...

I have been one moody mushroom lately.  Never in my life have I been as moody as I have been in the last few weeks. Man…I don’t know how people do it…I strongly dislike these fluctuations in my temperament, but I am learning that change is disrupting me to my very core. God has been calling me to change my reality…to push myself to cleanse my life of the things that are keeping me from fulfilling His purposes….and finally, finally I am listening.

A few months ago God stopped whispering and started shouting to me …Tired of my rebellion, God has resorted to direct scolding…and I don’t blame Him…I am often stubborn and prideful. Through this sifting period, God is requiring me to not accept mediocrity…to not be satisfied with giving some of myself…he is asking me…to give all. Lately I have felt in chaos and completely out of control with the direction my life is heading. You know what though….I know God is using one of my many weaknesses, the need to feel in control…to refine me…and I can’t wait, CAN NOT WAIT, for the rebirth J

Look out world!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I am blessed...

Free image of Romantic Love Heart

Awhile ago I was looking for some inspirational quotes. Today, as I was organizing my office I ran across one that I had written down. It is as applicable to my life today as it was when I found it and wrote it down.
"Choose feelings over logic, adventure over perfection, here over there, now over then, and always, love, love, love."
I choose feelings, adventure, here, now, and love!!!! I am blessed beyond measure and today I am counting my blessings...because only the Lord knows what tomorrow brings.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Busy Bumble Bee..

I rediscovered last weekend that I am terrible with down time. I want every moment of my life to reflect the joy that God has placed within my heart and in those moments of down time - I feel well...unfulfilled. God designed me to be a doer and when I don't have anything to do... I feel lost. My grandma said to me the other day, "Emily, you are always going somewhere or doing something. You just seem to always have to be constantly busy." Her observation did cause me to pause for a moment and reflect on her thought. Perhaps, I do need to slow down sometimes and just

The catch 22 here is that there are so many things that I value in my life, so many things that I love to do, and I don't want to waste one moment not exploring, learning, or helping someone. Someday, perhaps I will find a balance between the constant need to "go,go,go" and the need to relax and slow down. Who knows...crazier things have happened.

Happy Friday friends. Here is to the journey, climbing the mountain, and striving to make God the author and finisher of your faith!!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Preach on Sheryl....A Change WILL Do You Good

That IS deep Sheryl... Who knew Sheryl Crow could be so profound? I mean she is a Theta, but ya know. If you have been reading my blog lately, you know that I have been feeling God's movement in my life to make some major changes. While change is in fact GOOD, change is hard...and I am learning (once again...ughh) how much of a planner I am and how I like to think I am in control of my life.

That word "control" is such a powerful word when you think about it. In my perfect world, people respond to my needs and do things in my timing...what God requires is us to submit to HIS will and turn over that control to Him. Sheesh God, how about I just go to church once in a while. Just kidding... I want to follow His will, but that total submission is SUCH a process. I find myself worrying about things that I have ABSOLUTELY no control over.

My friends are brilliant (true story)...and it seems that they always have the right things to say at the right time. Today my friend Lacy, who is also my wonderful hairstylist, and just found out she is having another BOY, said something that really made me think...She said, Emily, I am so proud that you identified an issue in your life and dealt with it instead of just pretending that everything was fine. Now, what Lacy doesn't know is the journey it took me to get to there lasted a really long time, BUT the important thing is that I am trying to move myself to that higher plane that God requires us to aspire.

Onward up the mountain I will climb...I will not be discouraged...because I am walking in faith and victory, for the Lord my God is with ME!!

Peace out homeslices-

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

Well...I am now living my motto for 2011:
"When you decide to step off the stone of fear... Your feet and heart are free to step through the doorway of faith."
Here is to faith...and climbing the mountain! I hope you all will join me on my journey. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bean Town Or Bust

This week has been full of ups and downs. I started off the week pretty sick with a really cool bronchitis bug and now I am ending the week with a trip to Bean Town to see my very good friend, and partner in many crimes, David Jacob Reisman...get married! I hoped to find a new dress, but alas, no time and let's be honest....I don't need another dress :) BUT, this one sure is pretty!!
Royal Introduction Dress

Today, the sun is shining and God seems to be smiling down on us giving us hope that spring is just around the corner. I sure hope so.

This week I was able to make it to church again for Prayer Meeting (2 weeks in a row!!!) and share one of the testimonies I received recently. It was also so uplifting to hear the testimonies of others. I hope that I continue to make this a priority in my life.

Katy and I FINALLY got our pictures taken for mom's birthday! Her only request is that we give her a picture of us for every birthday. Well, we are behind and still owe her a picture from last year. NOTHING like waiting until the last minute. Thanks to Jana, we were able to get some pictures taken and will have them in time for Barbara Ann's Birthday! We already have the next pic's going to be amazingly awkward!!! Stay tuned.

Well, it's off to Boston for me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

America the Crazy

Really America, are we only capable of journalism that pertains to Charlie Sheen's latest bender and who will be on Dancing with the Stars? For what I am about to say...I must add a disclaimer: I, as much as the next girl, really enjoy a good, brainless magazine. I might even check every morning before I start my work day, but seriously...the world is in economic crisis, entire countries are imploding, and the American media is spending its time counting and recounting Charlie Sheen's rants and raves. It is ridiculous that I know that his girlfriends are called "the goddesses" and that his wife has a restraining order on him, but you would pretty much have to be living in a hole these days to avoid the barrage of junk floating around.

I, unlike Charlie Sheen, have had a good week. Hospital Land is going well and finally, things have slowed down a little. I got to spend my Tuesday night with Vern and Ruthel (Gpa and Gma) and Wednesday night in church. One of the major reasons that I moved back to Missouri was to be near my grandparents. Unfortunately, it took a major health event in my family for me to realize that I was not spending the kind of time that I need to with them. In this world, there is no place that I would rather be...than at my grandparents house. It is a safe, cuddly, blanketed place that scares the world away and where everything is sweet, simple, and filled with sugary goodness. I got to spend 3 whole hours with the amazing, kind people who are my grandparents...and I counted my blessings. I am trying to do more of that these days.

As for church, I forgot how much I enjoy prayer service. I hate to admit this, but that was the first Wednesday night church service I have been to in over a year. For me, it's a time of meditation, focus, and contemplation. It's in these times that the still small voice whispers to me and counsels my soul. My dear friend William happened to be at church that night as well and we were able to sit together. I was eagerly anticipating the opportunity to share some testimonies, as I have had so many lately; however, time didn't allow for it. That's ok, I will carry the message on my heart until the next opportunity to share...maybe next week! After the service, I was blessed again by the time I was able to spend with William. We were able to talk, really talk about what was going on in our lives and he listened, really listened. At the end, he said something that moved me...changed my frame of reference...and made it impossible, absolutely impossible for my life to ever be the same. Wow-

Vern Alma

Ruthel Ellen

My favorite red head

Psalm 100:5: For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations.