
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Giving Venus a Run for Her Money….

Have I mentioned that life is FANTASTIC right now J? Yesterday was insane and I slept less than 4 hours last night, but I had an amazing, blessed day! Sure today I am living on Diet Coke and No Doze (true story), but those precious life moments…the days that you truly live every single minute...are so treasured!

As I was sitting in prayer service last night, I really felt the need to focus on the pursuit of unity and Christ’s love for all of us. While Christ did come to divide believer from nonbeliever, He also came to show us how to love one another. I have so much work to do in this area. Can you imagine if every person was truly loving and looking for ways to serve their neighbors every day? We would have Zion tomorrow!

The rest of the evening was spent running, playing tennis (I am horrendous), and genuinely enjoying the company of wonderful friends. Having left the valley and striving to never look back, I prayerfully climb the mountain…earnestly seeking for Christ to be the author and finisher of my faith.

Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head for love is passing by

Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!

Monday, April 25, 2011

It Really Is All About the Journey

Religious - Christian Peace on Earth - Nancy Glazier The Lion and the Lamb Fine Art Art by Nancy Glazier.

God’s love is perfect
God’s love is just
God’s love is merciful
God's love is enough

God’s love is boundless, ageless, and pure
God’s love is all encompassing, steady, and sure
When life’s road gets bumpy and the going gets tough
God’s love saves us, because God’s love is enough

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wonderful Randomness...and Mountains!

Don't you find that life is so wonderfully random? My life has been a series of random encounters, events, and people. I have found so much happiness in those random moments ; however, recently the random universe seems to have a little more order.  As I have made a conscious effort to more closely align my life with God's Will, it is amazing how once random things start to become a little more intentionally designed. God is slowly showing me a small morsel of His Will through the people I have met and experiences that I have had lately. God has been placing people in my life who can empathize with my struggles and lovingly support me, but also who want/need to hear some of the lessons God has taught me. Isn't God's unconditional love astounding? He seeks to bless us when we seek Him.

Speaking of blessings, have I mentioned that I have spent the last three days in Denver? Colorado makes my heart smile like no other place that I have been in the world. Colorado feels like home and every time I visit my soul longs to be here permanently. It has always been such a struggle between simultaneously wanting to live close to friends, family and the church...and to run to the mountains...where God speaks to me every day through nature! I haven't figured out that internal struggle yet and I am leaving it to Christ to move me in the direction He wants me to go....but, I can't help wishing His plan involves Colorado :).

Let us learn this lesson from Nehemiah: you never lighten the load unless first you have felt the pressure in your own soul. You are never used of God to bring blessing until God has opened your eyes and made you see things as they are. – Alan Redpath -

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where 2 or 3 are Gathered...

My friend Cara had this amazing idea to start a get together once a month. It is a time for people to bring food, share testimonies, and pray for one another. Tuesday, I got the opportunity to spend an evening completely in the presence of the Lord. With literally no silences, everyone shared testimonies, listened to prayer requests, and prayed for one another. The sense of unity was inspiring and truly encouraged my spirit. God is amazing and truly wishes to bless us when we turn to him.

Matthew 18:20- For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Cowboy Rides Away

I am riding on a spiritual high from last week. Not only did I get to attend wonderful services every night, but I got the amazing opportunity to spend one of the nights in church with my grandparents. The spirit was there in abundance and I was overwhelmed to hear both of my grandparents sing the Spirit of God and Redeemer of Israel. As my grandparents get older I realize how precious those moments are… and that night…I again, counted by blessings.

Now…about this weekend…If only he was 20 years younger, single, and knew I existed... This weekend Mary and I got the amazing experience of seeing, the one and only Mr. George Strait, in concert in Columbia.  Not only is George a beautiful man, but what woman wouldn’t swoon when he sings Amarillo by Morning. Fantasies aside, Kates and I enjoyed a leisurely Saturday shopping in CoMo, antiquing in Rocheport, and even a little trip to Kleinschmidts where I purchased a sweet new pair of cowboy boots…not a bad little weekend if you ask me J.  Now I just need a cowboy….;)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Of One Heart and One Mind...

When I look back on my life, I hope that I remember the times of trial, times of laughter, times of joy, and most importantly the precious moments spent with the people who I hold dearest to my heart. There is nowhere on this planet that I would rather have been last night…than where I was. There are no friendships like the friendships shared among the saints….and my life has been no exception.

My heart woke up smiling, rejoicing in the opportunity that the day provided me…to be a blessing, to think of others before myself, and most importantly to love. I am working on forming new habits, changing my reality, and climbing the mountain of faith. Following Jen J.’s recommendation, today I began to write down my prayers. As they are answered I plan to write down the answers as well…that I might have testimonies and reminders of God’s love and diligence in answering our prayers.

I started with nine specific prayers. If I exercise persistence, discernment, and faith believing - I know God will answer my prayers. No shocker…first on my list is:

“Heavenly Father, Please help me to completely give my life over to you and to trust in your infinite wisdom and love. Please continue to show me the things that are keeping me from you and help me to release the need for control that has burdened me for way too long.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Awesomeness Abounds


It is amazing what happens when you take the time to listen…and hear the words of the Lord. Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Conference of Restoration Elders and listen to the words of counsel from a friend. He challenged us to Rise, Return, and Rebuild. I felt like he was speaking directly to me as my heart, and life, have risen and are returning to Him.

I also had the pleasure of speaking with the ever-so-wise Amy Simpson aka Rita and one of my best friends in the whole -wide world. Ames really listened and helped me gain some perspective on the recent events of my life. She allowed me to be real…and man…sometimes you just need to “be real” about what is going on in your life and within your soul. I know the clouds will part and the sun will shine soon, because I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and a Lord who gave His son to die for MY sins!

This morning I woke up feeling renewed and joyful! My joyful heart is bursting through- longingly- waiting for a time when it can fully rejoice again. The refiner’s fire is hot…but the awesomeness will soon abound!

And, of course, the dude…always abides J That is for you Rita.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Christ's Love Is Enough

When things seem to be closing in around me, I am re-learning to look to Christ for my strength and comfort. The arm of flesh is weak, but Jesus is strong. The journey is not easy, the path is rough, but Christ will sustain me in times of loneliness and sadness, because He wants me to completely give my life to Him. I have been so blind, but now, finally, I am beginning to see. I know God is breaking me down to build me back up.

My blessings in life are abundant and my life is so fulfilling. Why does human nature cause us to focus on the deficiencies? I found out today that my friend has cancer. My sweet friend who would do anything for anyone in this world has cancer and it just seems so unfair…and I am worrying about my small bumps in the road –  Today, my prayer’s are with her, because well…she is amazing and I love her.

Hebrews 12:1-2: Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.