
Friday, March 25, 2011

Busy Bumble Bee..

I rediscovered last weekend that I am terrible with down time. I want every moment of my life to reflect the joy that God has placed within my heart and in those moments of down time - I feel well...unfulfilled. God designed me to be a doer and when I don't have anything to do... I feel lost. My grandma said to me the other day, "Emily, you are always going somewhere or doing something. You just seem to always have to be constantly busy." Her observation did cause me to pause for a moment and reflect on her thought. Perhaps, I do need to slow down sometimes and just

The catch 22 here is that there are so many things that I value in my life, so many things that I love to do, and I don't want to waste one moment not exploring, learning, or helping someone. Someday, perhaps I will find a balance between the constant need to "go,go,go" and the need to relax and slow down. Who knows...crazier things have happened.

Happy Friday friends. Here is to the journey, climbing the mountain, and striving to make God the author and finisher of your faith!!


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